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Progress on my pear quilt

I'm getting there!

I've had to fit the quilt project into any available time, and since this is a busy time of year for me with magazine articles and such, I haven't gotten quite as far as I would have liked. However, it's coming!

Here's what I started with, the sketches:

And here are the fabrics that I chose:

I traced my pattern pieces onto lightweight fusible interfacing and applied them to the backs of the fabrics.

This is what the original set of pears looked like. They're not stitched, just stacked together. I changed my mind about one of the colors though. They seemed a bit dull, so even though it's anatomically incorrect, I selected a brighter color for the part of the core surrounding the seeds.

Time to get stitching!

Copyright 2009 Cyndi Lavin. Not to be reprinted, resold, or redistributed for profit. May be printed out for personal use or distributed electronically provided that entire file, including this notice, remains intact.

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Cheryl Gebhart said…
Love the pears - they look GREAT!!
Cyndi L said…
Thank you! I'm happy with far ;-)

BTW, is that a Ragdoll cat you're holding? I've got a sealpoint ragdoll, and she's the sweetest thing in the world. I can't quite tell from the picture if yours is a rag or a Maine coon or something else.
Jenn Klee said…
This is coming up great, and the fabric you chose is just awesome.
Limarea said…
I absolutely love this! It's really really nice, and I agree on the fabrics, they are great :D
Cyndi L said…
Thanks Limar! I think they look really snappy with the ochre background color :-)
That's really shaping up nicely!

I do love how you extract the essential elements in creating your abstractions. That's a gift I think.

Though one can improve with practice. I'm doing lots of staring these days, as you suggested.

You have to be careful what you stare at though! LOL. People may take offense.
Cyndi L said…
LOLOL!! I've never yet had a vegetable or piece of fruit complain ;-)
Anonymous said…
This quilt idea is super! The fabrics you chose for the pears is wonderful.
Cyndi L said…
Thanks so much, Lizbeth! That fabric has just about every color of the rainbow in it, so it's a matter of finding just the right spot to cut :-)
mummsie said…
ooooohh - good enough to eat. Any tips for those of us that are sketching challenged ??? So frustrating!!
Cyndi L said…
LOL!! I *am* sketching impaired, totally. The trick is to just stare at the item until you can break it down into basic shapes...the fewest shapes and details needed to make it clear what the item is :-)