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Showing posts from February, 2006

Small packs of fibers

I've been doing a fair amount of trading over the winter in order to build up a reasonable stash of interesting fibers. It's great to clear my studio of the stuff that I don't need in exchange for stuff I don't want to pay for. That may all be about to change! Fire Mountain Gems is offering these enticing packs of color-coordinated fibers. Each card contains 7 different styled fibers, each one is 3 meters (3.25 yards) long. They don't have every color that I'd like, but what they have looks quite nice!

Another line engraving

This seems to be a really interesting technique to use with architectural details and statues. What you sacrifice in detail, you gain in atmosphere: Technorati Tags: digital art , photography

Line engraved print

An experiment today! While I was waiting for some glass beads to come out of the kiln, I grabbed this image that I took in a local cemetary and my trusty photoshop program, and attempted to simulate the look of an old line engraved print. I liked the look, which I first saw in Dan Giordan's The Art of Photoshop for Digital Photographers . I ended up using very different techniques from Dan's, but was really glad to have the book as a starting point. I'm not sure that I would ever have figured out my own method without first seeing his! I think that's the best thing about good instructional books ~ although they tell you how one person has achieved something, they leave lots of room for experimentation. I like Dan's books a lot. He even makes low-res versions of the exact photos he uses available on his website so that you can literally follow along step-by-step if you want. I don't want, but I really appreciate that extra effort to help us, his readers. Oh, here...

Passion, passion, passion!

No, not Valentine's Day! My recommended reading for the day is Kathy Sierra's blog entry on re-igniting passion . It was a perfect thing for me to read, just having returned from Winterfest, the huge youth convention that we take our youth group to every year. One of the best ways (and my most favorite) to maintain my own passion is to surround myself with the newly passionate. This past weekend, I went for the sixth time as a chaperone to a youth convention. The youth pastor is 20, as were two other chaperones. Three more chaperones were 18. Only me and one other guy were over 30 (actually, we're older than dirt, but who's counting?). The trip went great, because every single one of those carefully selected chaperones was passionately in love with serving the kids that we were taking. People ask me how I can go with the teens year after year. I ask them, how could I *not* go? I like being around all that passion :-)