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Showing posts from December, 2005

Happy New Year!

Like all good goal-setting fanatics, I love love love New Year's Day! Actually, I also love May 1st and September 1st, because I usually set goals three times per year. That may be taking it too far for some folks, but I feel better when I divide the year up into bite-sized pieces. Of course, January 1st is still the granddaddy of them all! As far as art goals go, I've divided them up into art development, website improvement, and marketing. I'm going to post some of my goals for my jewelry work on my other blog , and just give you a sample of my mixed media goals here: Website improvement ~ I just went through a whole website re-org in November and December, so mostly I'll be looking for ways to tweak the design as a whole. Art development ~ I'm going to take an online course! I'm very excited about it since I've never done this before. It's been years and years and years since I've taken a class on anything. Mostly I teach...


FiberArts Magazine As we approach the new year, I've been giving some thought to inspirational magazines that I think are worth subscribing to or continuing to subscribe to. FiberArts has made the cut. Even though it doesn't contain how-to articles, it provides plenty of inspiration to those who love weaving, quilting, wearable art, needlework, and rug making. Technorati Tags: mixed media , collage , assemblage

Boston at its best

Boston Harbor 4 Boston is not known for being a really beautiful city, but when viewed from the water that all changes! Technorati Tags: digital art , photography

Full moon

Full Moon Last week was the December full moon, appropriately called the "Cold Moon." I can attest to that! I nearly froze my fingers off as I dashed outside at around 6:15am to get this shot before it was too late. Technorati Tags: digital art , photography

"The seven words you can't say on TV"

With apologies to George Carlin, here are the seven words that I wasn't allowed to say on TV: "Jesus Christ is Lord of my life" It's over! I was literally shaking the entire time I watched the HGTV program with my segments on it today. I look fat, I look scared, I'm look boring, I don't do backflips or a little dance. Thank you so much to everyone who emailed encouragement to me both before and after~ I appreciate it more than you can know. Now, you wanna know "the rest of the story"? (Since I'm already stealing lines from celebrities, I might as well take that one too!) The claim is that That's Clever , formerly known as Crafters Coast to Coast , wants to show the world what makes you tick as an artist, what inspires you. That's not completely true. The crew that came to my house was completely professional, and I have nothing but high praise for the way they conducted themselves and the sessions they filmed with me. But...

I'll be on HGTV today

Bead-Embroidered Heritage Neckpiece And thanks to the fact that I live in the presently ice-covered northeast, I won't even have to worry about being home to push my record button! My VCR set up has only been broken for...what?...several years? Here's the link to the show and a link to an article about what I'll be doing from my other blog. I need to get tivo! Technorati Tags: mixed media

Makoto Fujimura

I am so proud of my fellow-alumni Makoto Fujimura! He has been given top honors by World Magazine for his artwork and for...well, for just who he is and the way he lives his life. Even though he only graduated a year or so behind me from Bucknell University, I am sorry to say that I never met him. But I still can't help feeling very happy for him and very proud of what he's accomplished :-) Technorati Tags: mixed media


Not optical lenses this time! I'm talking instead about a series of portal-type pages that are being launched as...well, not exactly an experiment...but as small gateways into topics. What sort of topics? Oh, you can't even imagine what all the different lenses are about! This the brainchild of Seth Godin. Would you like to see the ones that I've created that are pertinent to mixed media art? Please be kind and remember that these are all works in progress :-) Book Arts Handmade books, altered books, artists journals, and books-as-art Mixed Media When you want to try all forms of art, all at the same time... Collage An endlessly fascinating art form And here are the lenses that I'm working on that are more related to jewelry. Nonetheless, you might find something of interest here too! Bead Art What to bead, what to bead? Got questions? Here's answers! Beaded Jewelry Marvelous handmade artisan pieces Beads Name you...

Rejecting "slut culture"

I am the very proud mother of two young adults ~ a boy who's 19 and a girl who's 18 ~ who have both chosen throughout their short lifetimes to reject the Beavis/Butthead culture for boys and the Brittany culture for girls. Oops, I did it again (!)...I forgot that we actually did buy Brit's first album when we foolishly thought that she was a cute little girl-nextdoor type. But other than that, my kids have steered clear of slut culture. In fact, my daughter became very dissappointed in the evolution of Brittany, and chose on her own to get rid of the album. (Not to mention that her personal taste in music was maturing as well!) So I was quite happy to see an excellent article by Mona Charen in the Jewish World Review this morning entitled A Modest Backlash Against Slut Culture . I highly recommend it to you. It grieves me deeply to hear other parents say that they cannot influence their kids away from the cultural garbage, and that they cannot control what their kids do. Of...

Rejoicing Nature

Rejoicing Nature Again rejoicing Nature sees Her robe assume its vernal hues Her leafy locks wave in the breeze, All freshly steep'd in morning dews. ~ Robert Burns (1759-1796) I found the finishing touches for the next piece in my "Seasons" series. So far, I've done Autumn , Winter , and now Spring ! I needed something to simulate the feel of dew drops, and the perfect thing was already in my closet in the form of vintage acrylic jewels. It took over a week for me to stumble upon them as I puzzled and searched. Sometimes it's worth just setting a piece aside and waiting for the right items to reveal themselves. Other times it's more fun to run off and buy something new... :-) Technorati Tags: mixed media , collage , assemblage