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Showing posts from 2019

Welcome (back) to Mixed Media Artist!

Hi, I'm Cyndi, and I've been writing and updating Mixed Media Artist since 2005. If you're a new visitor, welcome! Come travel with me through a mixed media art wonderland, where no materials are considered too strange to use in making something! My constant cry as a young child was, “Please Mommy! Don’t throw that out. I can make something out of that!” No surprise that years later, it became the cry of my daughter as well (pictured above). It’s wonderful having a kindred spirit to share with. I hope that you each have someone in your life to share your passions with, and I hope that you’ll come and share them with me as well. A few years ago, I had to cut back and consolidate a bit in my writing, so Mixed Media Artist has become more or less of an archive site, filled with tutorials on image transfers, fabric and paper painting, art quilts, collage, digital work, book arts, and wearables. You will find links to all of these up in the tabs at the top of the page. ...

Stencil your upcycled tee shirts!

I made a tee shirt quilt a few weeks ago with the stockpile of tees that neither the Mister nor I were ever going to wear again.  I love how it turned out, and I'll show it to you someday soon, but in the meantime I'm even more excited about the tee shirt scraps!  I used a bunch of them to fix up some shirts that I actually would wear... Above you'll see the top of a knit shirt that I loved, but it was too short.  So, I wacked off the bottom of it and cobbled together some tee shirt scraps to lengthen it.  I like a rather long tunic shirt so that I can comfortably wear it with either jeans or leggings, or even over a skirt.  But when I was finished, it seemed a little boring.  Stencil Revolution came to my rescue!  I received a handful of really nice reusable stencils, and the two that were moons were the perfect size and shape for my new shirt.  I love the material the stencils are made from.  It's translucent, so you can see cl...

Bubbling Up With Joy - an acrylic pour

Originals and prints of Cyndi's work for sale Copyright 2019 Cyndi Lavin. All rights reserved. 

Center block for a crochet-along

This block is from an older crochet-along, which I missed at the time, but caught up with later!  Instructions are available from  Hooks and Yarn

Let It Loose

Originals and prints of Cyndi's work for sale Copyright 2019 Cyndi Lavin. All rights reserved. 

Textured wave stitch crocheted scarf

Directions for the stitch can be found here: MyPicot

Untitled alcohol inks

Untitled Alcohol inks lifted with hand sanitizer Originals and prints of Cyndi's work for sale Copyright 2019 Cyndi Lavin. All rights reserved.

Braided crocheted cowl

Learn how to make an awesome cowl like this along with the lovely lady I learned it from, Essence of Me ! YouTube video tutorial

Black and white challenge

Over a year ago, the black and white challenge was sweeping Facebook.  It's since gone the way of dinosaurs and celery, but I recently came across the pieces I shared and thought I'd share them here too. Originals and prints of Cyndi's work for sale Copyright 2019 Cyndi Lavin. All rights reserved. 

Don't Sit Under the Apple Tree

Originals and prints of Cyndi's work for sale Copyright 2019 Cyndi Lavin. All rights reserved.