I decided at the end of last year that I wanted to do one long-term project this year. More or less this year. I'm not going to stress about the time frame at all, just enjoy the process. This is my Psalm journal. In it, I'm devoting one page to each Psalm (150 of them), writing out the lines that particularly strike me, adding the Hebrew words and definitions when they seem important, and illustrating them as I choose. Or as I don't choose :-) One of the simplest types of altered books that you can make involves cutting out all the pages from a book, leaving a tab of an inch or so. These tabs can then be used in pairs to glue in whatever pages you wish, whether you use the original pages or create new ones from other papers. I picked an old atlas with beautiful, but out-of-date maps for my journal. I will end up with approximately half the number of pages as there were originally, which should leave some room for any collaged inclusi...