Aspen Afternoon Cyndi Lavin, 2017 For this piece, I started with a very limited palette that I wanted to experiment with. For the sky, I used a Phthalo blue gradient, and for the trees, I used Hansa yellow medium , Pyrrole orange , Green gold , and waterproof white ink . 1. Using a large foam brush , paint a blue gradient onto a wet piece of watercolor paper for the sky. Use a paper towel to wipe off an area for the mountain background. 2. Working from the bottom of the piece, alternate blobs of your yellow, orange, and green paints. Use White gesso on a foam brush to pull the colors upward. 3. Use white ink to drip trees from the bottom with a pipette . Use a skewer to add some skinny branches. Also use the skewer to add bark markings with diluted Phthalo blue. 4. Cover the tree area with Polymer medium and the sky area with Matte medium . Let it dry. 5. Use a ratty bru...