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Books on fabric design

Last week I shared with you some thoughts on using Spoonflower, a custom-print fabric service.  One of the major problems with my experience is that I didn't know what I was doing at all!  That's not their's up to me to get educated. 

Genevieve left a comment with a suggestion for a book on fabric design, so besides the online information that I shared with you in that previous post, I thought I might want to look into what other books existed that had good reviews.  These are the ones that rose to the top.  Note, I haven't read any of them...yet.

Digital Textile Design by Melanie Bowles and Ceri Isaac

Adobe Photoshop for Textile Design - for Adobe Photoshop CS4 by Frederick L Chipkin

Pattern and Palette Sourcebook 3: A Complete Guide to Choosing the Perfect Color and Pattern for Any Design (v. 3) by Gillian Blease

Textiles: A Handbook for Designers by Marypaul Yates

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Melissa said…
Great info - I just ordered three of these books. Very timely info for me. Thank you for sharing!
Cyndi L said…
Oh Melissa, very cool...what are you working on?