Candy Store and More, by Kay Connors and Karen Earlywine, is subtitled "1930's Quilts Made New". Using traditional patterns in candy-pastel colors, the authors have written the perfect book for someone who is new to quilt top piecing and would like to try their hand at quilting for the first time. Exact yardage and patterns are provided to insure success, including full-sized applique patterns. All of the colors could easily be varied though, if you are confident in color choices. My recommendation would be to follow the pattern as far as light, medium, and dark hues go.
The last section of the book covers the materials, tools, and basic techniques used throughout the book for easy reference. If you're a beginner, you should flip back and read this section first, but the instructions provided for each individual quilt really step you through the entire process. Like I said, a great book for those who want to try piecing for the first time or work on their skills.
Photo credits: Martingale, photographer Brent Kane
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