Today we're going to look at two variations on the last type of sample stitching piece I made back at the beginning of the month...foil! It would be nearly impossible to stitch through regular aluminum foil without tearing it, but when it is fused to quilt batting, all that changes.
1. For either style, you'll need to cut out some batting and fusible webbing as explained in part one. For the first one, shown at the top in green, you'll need one piece of fusible webbing. For the second, purple, you'll need two pieces, plus a used drier sheet.
2. Crumble and reopen a piece of foil for each "sandwich".
3. Iron the fusible web to the foil. For the green piece, I ironed to the shiny side, and for the purple, I ironed to the dull side. You'll see why in a minute.
4. Trim the foil and iron the pieces to the pre-cut batting. For the first piece, I painted directly onto the dull side of the foil with thick acrylic paints, wiping them back off in spots in order to leave some of the foil showing through. If you need to thin your paints, use acrylic medium, not water, which will make the paints vulnerable to cracking later if you flex the piece.
5. For the second piece, I used another piece of fusible webbing to attach a used dryer sheet layer. That's why I left the shiny side up on this one, so that there would be more metallic showing through.
6. When you add paint to this one, start with very thin paint and add more as needed. The dryer sheets blot it up pretty fast, and it's not as easy to wipe it away as with the first piece.
7. So that's it! The green piece at the top was painted onto the dull side of the foil using chromium oxide green, heavy bodied, and wiped back off. The purple piece has an extra layer of used dryer sheet adhered over the shiny side of the foil, and was painted with thinned dioxazine purple.
And that's the end of my little series, at least for now! Please check the links below and see if you missed anything.
Part one - stitched flimsy fabric
Part two - waxed paper
Part three - paper towel
Part four - foil two ways
Copyright 2013 Cyndi Lavin. All rights reserved. Not to be reprinted, resold, or redistributed for profit. May be printed out for personal use or distributed electronically provided that entire file, including this notice, remains intact.
Technorati Tags:mixed media,collage,assemblage,digital art,photography,altered books,art journals
Do you typically create backgrounds apart from a specific project and then go through your collection when you need one?
I'm wondering if that would help me get past my fear of failure when I want to do a mixed media piece.
Try it...what do you have to lose? If you're in the mood to make backgrounds, do it. If you're in the mood to stitch on them, do it!