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Found object wall sculptures

One of Kerry Heath's Twisted Fish
Kerry Heath makes laugh-out-loud funny wall sculptures from the stuff that most of us have in our junk drawers!  You know...the mis-matched utensils, nails, bottle caps, a whole lot of humor.  Kerry has an etsy site called Fig Jam Studio.  You'd be a fool not to visit her ;-)

One of Kerry's Wall Nuts

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Those are hysterical, I love them!
Cyndi L said…
So so cute, aren't they!?
Sarah Sequins said…
Oh my gosh, those are awesome!!! I'm going to send a link to her stuff to my friends at the IDEA store. They'll go nuts over it. :)

Thanks for sharing Kerry's work with us!
Shoshi said…
These are totally brilliant! Really zany and bright, and so many of them have such delightfully lugubrious expressions! The fish remind me of a wonderful screensaver I had years ago with fish with similar expressions, some of which would eat or explode each other!