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Book review and giveaway: Create Colorful Aluminum Jewelry

Create Colorful Aluminum Jewelry: Upcycle cans into vibrant necklaces, rings, earrings, pins, & bracelets 

Using the simplest of techniques, Helen Harle guides you through the process of making all different kinds of fun and festive jewelry.  All you need are aluminum cans, a few basic jewelry-making tools, and...get this...scrapbooking paper punches!!  Yup!  Paper punches can be used to cut right through the soft metal of cans, so after you've done a few preparatory steps with your cans, you can launch right into making fabulous flowered jewelry.  I think you'll be amazed by how many styles of flowers you can create with this simple method.  But don't stop there...once you know the basics, there's nothing to stop you from applying Helen's techniques to other forms.  

***Free Stuff Alert!!!***

Would you like to win a free copy of Create Colorful Aluminum Jewelry?  Just leave me a comment below and you'll automatically be entered.  If you tweet or post on Facebook or other social spots about the contest, you can leave a second comment and be entered twice!  Please please please make sure that your link will lead me to an email address, or else I won't be able to contact you.  No contact, no win, and I simply have to go on to the next person.  Deadline: October 20, 2010.  

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Joella said…
I would looooove to win this book :) Why? Because I'm a mixed media artist and I'm always open to new ideas! Thanks for posting this giveaway !!!!
studio pashnada said…
coolio! pick me! pick me!
you can contact me thru blogger
Sue and Danny O'Mullan said…
I have seen this but didn't realize that you could use a simple scrapbook punch for the tin can.... I think this might be a PERFECT activity for my son and I together!
my email is (just incase I win...)
Theresa Plas said…
O Yay a Book Giveaway! Thanks for hosting! Would love to win:)
Leslie Todd said…
I was just experimenting with cans and scrapbooking punches. I would love to win the book.
Caren said…
This looks like a great book. I have some pretty tin canisters that I'd love to use for jewelry.
Leslie Todd said…
And I tweeted on @nostoneunstrung.
JoaniB said…
This book looks like just what I need to give my creativity a boost! Joani
JoaniB said…
I also Facebooked.

Joani Burtard
Amy F said…
I have that book on my wish list! Cool!
jackie said…
This looks like a lot of fun. Would love to win this book.
Bobbie said…
!st of all, I LOVE reading all your tips & help info. I've been reading about all your tips for:transfer, making & altering books, collages, etc. Thank you for sharing soooo much knowledge & info!
I would LOVE to receive this book as I, too, am mixed media artist. I LOVE to learn. Choose me, choose me, please.
Bobbie Reiser
Shai Williams said…
This does look like a really fun book! please enter me in the drawing.
Unknown said…
a new craft involving aluminum cans and more? i'm ALL over it! just have to find my tinsnips
G.I. said…
Just this minute discovered your site — all new & wonderful to me — I'll be like a sponge soaking it all up! I think I can feel a new hobby coming on :)
Noreen said…
This looks like a really fun book. I've made things with aluminum cans and this would give me great new ideas! Thanks for the chance.
Mary Alice said…
I just found your site and am enjoying it! I heard about the book previously and would LOVE to have it! Thanks for the giveaway! Please contact me at

Paula Lee M. said…
Wow, I would li=ove to win that book. I have a beautiful bracelet made from an Arizona can. I want to be green and make beautiful jewelry!
mARTy said…
I´d love to win this;-) need more ideas for my own work;-)
julie said…
i have some cans already cut and flattened and ready for inspiration. this book would definitely fill in the inspiration part. thank you for a chance to win.
Joanne said…
sounds like a neat idea - hope I win.
Unknown said…
I bet my daughter would like this book as much as me!