Beach Cupcake Wrap
Here's a fun sand bucket cupcake idea for your beach party.
Creative Dreamer
The birth of a new baby is always something to celebrate. Here's a simple, easy, and fun birth announcement to create or inspire you to make one too!
Gadabout Media
Wedding season is almost upon us. Chloe shares some great ideas for DIY wedding favours
Hurrah for upcycling!
Noreen treated herself to a really frumpy skirt and a too small dress at the thrift store. WHY? So she could upcycle and re-fashion them, of course!
The Artful Crafter
Join Eileen in June’s June “Let Them Eat Cake” creativity challenge and get a free cupcake. Sweet!
Beading Arts
Do you like Chinese food? Do you like jewelry...?
Technorati Tags:mixed media,collage,assemblage,digital art,photography,altered books,art journals