There's really no mystery! If you'd like to share a piece you've made, all you have to do is shoot me an email to cyndi (remove the spaces). Please put mixed media image to share in the subject line. We love to read about things like what inspired you to make the piece and any challenges that you faced, so tell us a bit about yourself and the image that you're sending. Please size your image to 72 dpi resolution, and make it no wider than 600px. I'll gladly share your website and/or blog link along with your image and description.
If you'd like to consider sharing an in depth artist profile with us (see Artist Profiles for past examples), just put mixed media artist profile in the subject line. I'll send you the questions that I ask profiled artists to consider...I think you'll be able to tell from those questions whether or not you'll want to do a full profile. If it seems to be too much, you could simply send me an artist statement that covers what materials you like best and what inspires you, along with about 3 images you'd like to feature.
I'm always looking for new artists to promote and profile as well as established favorites! Don't be shy...send me that query!
Technorati Tags:mixed media,collage,assemblage,digital art,photography,altered books,art journals