Sometimes things happen in cyberworld that just make you tingle all over with the serendipity of it all. One such thing occurred this weekend. I've had a post written for some time now on Spoonflower custom fabric printers, but just decided last week to schedule it for today. Then Julie Riley contacted me, not knowing this, and shared this great tote bag that she made using Spoonflower's services!
Isn't life grand?
Guest artist: Julie Riley
Blog: Engine 3

Julie writes:
Isn't life grand?
Guest artist: Julie Riley
Blog: Engine 3

Julie writes:
I fell in love with the thought of being able to put words down and having them turn into something so that's where came in. I picked words to do with crafting and then uploaded it to and they printed it out on some fabric and sent it back to me to do something with it. As you can see I made it into this cool crafting tote. I made two of them but gave one away to my crafting friend. This one is lined with a beautiful green fabric and I had left over of both so made the little boxy pouch to go with it and I used a charm in the shape of a key for "crafting is the key to my heart".