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Fabulous tote bag by Julie Riley

Sometimes things happen in cyberworld that just make you tingle all over with the serendipity of it all. One such thing occurred this weekend. I've had a post written for some time now on Spoonflower custom fabric printers, but just decided last week to schedule it for today. Then Julie Riley contacted me, not knowing this, and shared this great tote bag that she made using Spoonflower's services!

Isn't life grand?

Guest artist: Julie Riley
Blog: Engine 3

Julie writes:
I fell in love with the thought of being able to put words down and having them turn into something so that's where came in. I picked words to do with crafting and then uploaded it to and they printed it out on some fabric and sent it back to me to do something with it. As you can see I made it into this cool crafting tote. I made two of them but gave one away to my crafting friend. This one is lined with a beautiful green fabric and I had left over of both so made the little boxy pouch to go with it and I used a charm in the shape of a key for "crafting is the key to my heart".


Julie said…
Thanks Cyndi. Hope this inspires someone to try out both and see what they can come up with. If anyone does I'd love to see it so please stop by my blog and tell me where to go check it out. Thanks again.
Cyndi L said…
Thanks again so much for sharing it with everyone, Julie!
Jean Bowler said…
That is really neat! I love the idea of putting something original on the fabric. I'm off to check out Spoonflower!
Tammy said…
Oh, I'll have to tuck this away for this summer when I have time to sew again. I love this fabric idea!
Sherri said…
Spoonflower has been on my list to try for awhile, and what a great idea to combine it with Wordle! I wonder if I could come up with a unique fabric for my daughter's wedding using these sites... Hmmm, now ya got me thinking! :-)
Christine said…
What a great bag! And very cool! Glad to find a site like that - thanks. I would love to custom print my fabric but so much easier for someone else to do it that has the equip already.
Rina said…
Thanks for submitting to the MIFS carnival!!