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Magazine review and giveaway: Totally Creative online

Totally Creative magazine is a relative newcomer on the scene, but I think it already shows a lot of promise. The sample issue that I saw contained articles by several artists whose work I know and love, including the fabulous Barbara Matthiessen, who wrote an extensive tutorial on creating multi-layered surface design effects on fabric. I also found an article by my friend Beth Wheeler, who shared a felting project.

So what you'll find are professional designers, whose names you'll know from other magazines and books, who've created projects in all different media and for all different skill levels. Sound interesting?

There were no wearables in this sample issue, but there may be some in other issues. Covering a wide variety of craft media, the issue that I saw was organized around the season and its holidays. There are projects to do with the kids, lots of home decor and gift ideas, a book and a product review, and a directory of online resources to help you actually be able to make the projects.


So here's the giveaway: leave a comment below, telling me what your favorite craft or art form is, and you'll be entered for a chance to win a free subscription to Totally Creative for a year! That is six issues, altogether :-) Next week, I will be randomly drawing a winner!

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Cheryl Gebhart said…
My favorite art form is quilting combined with embroidery. But I also love watercolors. Generous give away!
linda said…
I think that I like the most papercrafts and even doodling...because paper is so accessible to everyone.
Patti Ryan said…
Thanks for posting a review of Totally-Creative Magazine! Our next issue will be full of gift-making and ornament projects!
Did you know your readers can get a FREE trial issue by signing up for our TC eLetter at our website?
Good luck to all your entrants!
Patti Ryan
Editor, TC Magazine
Aliogator said…
My favorite craft is rubber stamping! I find it so relaxing! Thanks for the chance to win1
Limarea said…
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Narimasu said…
My interest in quilting is moving to mixed media which I'm finding fascinating and a lot of fun to play with.
Digital Misfit said…
I love embroidery, and combining stitches with other media (beads, paint, crayon, etc).