Stefanie Girard's Sweater Surgery
The cutting goes high-tech by using a Cricut Die Cutting machine to make cool Locked & Loaded fabric patches that go great with a scissor image to make a rockin' jacket.
The Artful Crafter
Don’t toss useful items just because they don’t match. Look at what Eileen did with some freebie ceramic canisters and an old wooden cheese tray.
The Crochet Dude
Drew announces the winner of his Simplicity Rotary Cutting Maching giveaway and shares some cool vacation photos from New Mexico & Colorado!
About Family Crafts
If you are trying to find a unique gift to make and give, why not check out my free printable calendar pages? You can choose from a variety of styles for not only the current year, but also 2010, 2011, and 2012. There is so much you can do with these free calendar pages. Here are just a few ideas to get you thinking creatively...
Aileen's Musings
Aileen has some new art posted for your view pleasure, along with some freebie silhouettes for you to download and use in your art!
Blisstree Arts
Cyndi has a copy of Susan Wasinger's new book "Fabricate" to give away. Learn how to make fabric the star of your projects!
Cathie Filian
Channel your inner diva as you create a dollar store altered tiara!
Craftside-A behind-the-scenes peek at a crafty world
At Craftside there are some insights from Marc English from the book Good Design, designing with one word from The Crafter's Devotional and a snarky sign tutorial for good die cut letter placement, how to draw fabric characteristics, how to sew a puffy sleeve and a 10-minute tip on using crayons to fix a scratch in wood.
Crafty Princess Diaries
Tammy finally got a copy of the book Doublestitch. Is this too over the top for the more mature crochet crowd?
Cross Stitch at About.com
What are your favorite shows and movies to "watch" when you are stitching? Connie lists hers - read other stitchers selections in the comments and add your own.
Technorati Tags:mixed media,collage,assemblage,digital art,photography,altered books,art journals