Margaret Couch Cogswell is a storyteller who loves to make books...books which support the story by their very form. Being a slow reader as a child turned out to be a blessing in disguise for her: in her new Lark Books, Book Play, Margaret shows us how to play with books. She writes,
The idea that a books is an exciting three-dimensional object is what led me to create my own books and to push the concept of what defines a book. It's an intuitive process for me, but the outcome usually renders a "book" that includes physical action, a story, and a spark for the viewer's imagination - plus a little humor thrown in for good measure, because I believe generating a smile or laugh is a worthwhile goal.
Book Play covers the tools, materials and techniques that book makers will need. The "basics" include more than you'd expect. Margaret covers not only the pure book basics, but also drawing, painting, collage, sewing, papier-mache, tin, and wire.
Then there are the projects! Eleven conventional book forms followed by eleven unconventional forms that will really get you thinking about just what constitutes a "book". How about a crown?
Anyway, I do think you'll enjoy this book, especially if you've been wanting to try making simple conventional books, or you've been desiring to branch out but weren't sure where to start.
Technorati Tags:mixed media,collage,assemblage,digital art,photography,altered books,art journals