A guest post by Romona Weston of KitchenCarts360
There are almost as many different kinds of crafts as there are crafters but, whether you’re into beading, knitting or mixed media artwork, all crafters face the same dilemma – what to do with all the material they have accumulated (or will inevitably accumulate) during the course of their projects.
Creative spaces are often allowed to become cluttered, but this can have a negative impact on crafting. How many times have you delayed starting, or even shelved, a creative project because the effort of finding and gathering the necessary materials seemed too much of a chore?
1. Mark out your territory
If you have the luxury of a studio or garage that you can convert into your crafting haven, then all well and good. Otherwise, you may need to partition off a part of the household to make room for your creative endeavours. Either way, ensure that other members of the household treat your space and materials with respect.
2. Scour your house for storage
Storage is often a bone of contention in any home, as family members fight to fill every nook and cranny with their treasured possessions. Before joining the battle, make sure that you optimize the space that you do have.
If you have rarely-used materials that can handle being stored away in the cold, have you considered tucking them away in the attic? The basement can often provide extra storage options, providing you take measures to protect goods from moisture damage. Even taking the time to re-organize the pantry, laundry room and closets can free up valuable spaces in which odds and ends can be stored.
If possible, make use of your vertical space by adding shelf units or cabinets to the wall. As well as maximizing space, this has the added benefit of keeping materials off the floor.
3. Consider a Kitchen Island Cart
Kitchen Islands Carts are becoming more popular as either permanent features or temporary solutions to a host of storage and workspace problems, and it is easy to see why.
From a crafter’s point of view, a portable Kitchen carts on wheels can provide a stable surface on which to carry out projects, while also enabling dangerous items, such as knitting needles, or precious materials, like your best watercolour paints, to be kept away from inquisitive fingers.The portability, mobility and flexibility that these wood carts offer is a boon to crafters They are practical, as well as functional. Mine is used everyday, and I have often wondered how I crafted without it!
4. Be ruthless with your supplies
Sometimes it feels wrong to throw out craft supplies, even if you know you will never knit anything in that shade of lime green ever again! Consider donating materials to a local community arts project to free up space and make your organizational task easier.
5. Choose the right boxes
It is worth spending some time ensuring that your storage boxes are fit for the purpose.
You may find that cheap, cardboard boxes from the local stationery shop will be adequate for your needs or you might want to invest in some heavy-duty, transparent boxes such as the Roughneck Clears available through Rubbermaid.
Collapsible canvas boxes are ideal for flexible storage while containers with little holes near the top are invaluable for ‘throwing in’ those odds and ends that get missed when tidying up.
Remembering that labeling your boxes is crucial for helping you to locate craft items easily.
6. Keep your tools nearby
Often-used tools, such as scissors, paintbrushes and glue-sticks should be kept within easy reach, as should your most commonly used materials. There is nothing more likely to derail a creative project than needing to spend hours looking for a vital piece of equipment. It goes without saying that these items should be returned to their allotted place immediately after use.
7. Tidy up time
Finally, to keep on top of your freshly-organized space it is vital that ample time is set aside to tidy up your workspace after use. If you are easily distracted by the TV or housework, consider setting a timer for ten or fifteen minutes to ensure you put in the allotted effort.
Though these tips are not exhaustive, I have found them to be most helpful, in helping me keep my many craft projects organized, and have given me the option of easily locating items I am looking for. Follow these and you will find success in creating the perfect craft environment!
These tips were provided by Romona Weston of KitchenCarts360, where you can read about all the latest trends and reviews about kitchen islands carts, stationary kitchen carts, and various models and manufacturers of kitchen carts. Romona is committed to providing the ultimate resource for kitchen cart buyers. She brings together quality information and unbiased reviews on all types of kitchen carts, sourced from all over the web as well as from family and friends.
She lives in Southeastern Pennsylvania in the beautiful Amish countryside of Lancaster County. In her spare time she loves to hike, organize and write, and has home-schooled her seven children for over 20 years. As a family of crafters they use napa kitchen carts and wood kitchen islands carts to help with their craft organization.
Technorati Tags:mixed media,collage,assemblage,digital art,photography,altered books,art journals