Make way on your bookshelf for a new series by Lark Publishing. Containing Lark's usual fine attention to detail and color, the first two books of the series are ones that you will savor! The purpose of the new series is to explore artwork that pushes the boundaries of tradition in various media; the first two books tackle paper and stitchery. Just in case you think you know everything that can be done with these materials and're wrong!
Push Paper will introduce you to artists who are doing things with paper that you'll sometimes find hard to believe can be done with...well, humble paper! I was already familiar with the work of a couple of the artists, but this book introduced me to many many more that I wish to know better. Thirty artists in all, to be exact. I was particularly enamoured of what Chris Gilmour is doing with cardboard. It sent me searching online for more, and I was so happy to find that he's got a wonderful website (link above, image below). That's all cardboard, folks!
Chris Gilmour
The other book in the series, Push Stitchery, is equal in its ability to delight, charm, and inspire. Viewing some of the artwork, I found myself scratching my head and saying, "But that's not stitchery...oh, wait...I guess it is!" Very challenging stuff! Please be aware that this new series is a gallery series, not focused on the how-tos and tutorials, but instead is a showcase for the artists to talk about their inspirations, passions, and what might be next.
Technorati Tags:mixed media,collage,assemblage,digital art,photography,altered books,art journals