How could I not have thought about this before? I love hearing from all of you, but sometimes you just don't want to leave a public comment. So I've attempted to make it easier for you with a big bold CONTACT button right up at the top of the page and in the sidebar too!
Here's an incomplete list of the various reasons that you might choose to contact me through this page:
- Visitor questions
- Site problems - anything from spelling mistakes to html glitches
- Topics you'd like me to cover in the future. No, I won't promise, but I will consider it!
- Services you'd like to offer in exchange for publicity - a tutorial, artist profile, or items for giveaway, perhaps?
- Product review requests
- Advertising inquiries
- Affiliate program invitations
- Publishers and editors - do you need some projects to fill your book?
- Media inquiries - anyone need an "expert"? :-)
- Designer endorsement - do you need someone to create a project using your products?
- Commissions - like my work enough to hire me?