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Art studios to dream about

I have a perfectly nice art studio.  I am very lucky to have it.  I have also taken over most all of the rooms in our house with one project or another, so of course I dream all the time about having a bigger studio.  A brighter, light-filled studio.  A studio with room for both the messy and the clean, the wet and the dry...

Dream on!  And come visit some of my dreams on my Art Studios Pinterest board.   


Jo said…
Oh yes, a wet studio is in my dreams. My husband says my quilting area is metastasizing in our house. I don't have the heart to tell him I really want to add skylights.
Cyndi L said…
That is perfect, Jo! Yes, my various projects reside in many many rooms besides my actual studio, but yes, I still want more. And skylights :-D