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"Mostly Vegetable Soups" help us get rid of the holiday pounds

Tomato Basil Soup 

Mike and I have just begun our annual Mostly Vegetable Soups spree, which starts up again just after the New Year gluttony ends.  We fill ourselves up with healthy healthy soups and stews.  These comfort foods give us the boost we need to resist some of the worst abuses, and they also help to get us back on track in the New Year.  This has been our pattern for years now, and I'm happy to say that even if we pack on a few pounds during the week leading up to Christmas and the week in between it and January 1, we always manage to get them right back off before another two weeks have passed.

No, we're not special (as in "well isn't that special?")...we just choose our gluttony wisely!

Well, I've put together an e-booklet with 13 of our favorites.  While I can't make any health or nutrition or even diet claims for these soups (I am not a registered anything), I can tell you that they work for us. 

Mostly Vegetable Soups

Click to purchase ~ $2

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